Shelties: The Complete Pet Owner's Guide

Contact Sheltie Planet

The links on this page may help if you're looking to ask questions, adopt a Sheltie, or share your stories. If you find a mistake on this site, use the email below. NOTE: Sheltie Planet does not place sponsored text links or articles.

Adopt a Sheltie

If you're looking to adopt a Sheltie, visit my directory of Sheltie rescues. If you're holding out for a puppy, visit my directory of ethical Sheltie breeders.

Questions and Stories

We have an international community of 36,000+ Sheltie fans on our Sheltie Planet Facebook page where you can ask questions and share photos and stories.

Common Sheltie questions are answered in my article 20 Questions & Answers About Shetland Sheepdogs. If you'd like to learn about the breed and support my work, please download my PDF ebook, Shelties: The Complete Pet Owner's Guide.

Tech Support and Feedback

If you bought my ebook and have any problems downloading it, email me at becky[at]sheltieplanet[dot]com for help. Similarly, if you notice any technical issues or factual errors on the website, please let me know so I can fix it.